擒数网 (随信APP) | 韩江获得了今年的诺贝尔文学奖,她的书已经在国内出版可以阅读。

擒数网 (随信APP) | 韩江获得了今年的诺贝尔文学奖,她的书已经在国内出版可以阅读。

北京时间 10 月 10 日晚 7 点,瑞典学院(Swedish Academy)宣布将 2024 年诺贝尔文学奖授予韩国作家韩江(Han Kang),以表彰她“以强烈的诗意的散文直面历史的创伤,揭露人类生命的脆弱”。

在韩国前总统金大中于 2000 年获得诺贝尔和平奖后,韩江成为了第二个获得诺贝尔奖的韩国人。并且她也是首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的亚洲女性作家,这创造了一个历史。

虽然今年仍然有村上春树的诺奖梗,中国作家残雪在赔率榜上仍然排名第一,此外还有多位“热门人选”,韩江获奖被不少人认为是意料之外,但 2016 年凭借《素食者》(The Vegetarian)击败同样入围的奥尔罕·帕慕克和大江健三郎等获得布克奖,韩江就已经成为圈内不可忽视的名字,最终获得诺奖只是咫尺之遥。

【延伸阅读】布克奖(The Booker Prize)在 2005 年首次颁发,被认为是英文世界最重要的文学奖之一(此外全球范围重要的文学奖还有法国的龚古尔文学奖、捷克的卡夫卡奖等)。


韩江 1970 年 11 月 27 日出生在韩国光州,她的父亲韩胜源、哥哥韩东林和弟弟韩江仁都是小说家,受家庭熏陶的韩江 1993 年从延世大学国文系毕业后就开始了诗歌和小说的创作,2005 年韩江以《蒙古斑》(后来改为《胎记》)获得李箱文学奖,当时她年仅 35 岁。

有意思的是韩胜源在 1988 年也获得过这一奖项,而他在接受采访时表示自己从来没有教过女儿写小说。韩江也的确是以自己的方式塑造了自己的风格,并超越了父亲的影响力。


她的作品也相当“国际化”,无论是对于译者的翻译工作还是韩国以外的读者的阅读体验来说都更加友好,英国译者狄波拉·史密斯(Deborah Smith)也提到过这一点——获得布克奖的《素食者》正是狄波拉·史密斯翻译的(布克奖从 2016 年开始同时奖励原作者和英文译者,两人平分奖金),这有助于她的作品在更大范围传播。



出版时间:1998 年
韩江早期的作品,也是她的第一部长篇小说,在国内由吉林出版集团在 2013 年 7 月出版,当时归在“新经典书系”当中(同一个系列里还有金衍洙的《世界的尽头,我的女友》、李仁星的《走向陌生的时光》等)。


出版时间:2000 年
其它 6 本——也是当下最好买的 6 本都由磨铁出品(由不同出版社带来),它们以一套“韩江系列作品”丛书出现,电商平台上也可以一套书一起买。

其中 2000 年出版的《植物妻子》在国内由四川文艺出版社带来(封面插画来自卤猫,卤猫操刀了这套丛书的多个封面),2023 年 3 月在国内上市。当中收录了韩江在 1996 - 2000 年写的 8 篇短篇小说,它们都描写了底层人群在现实世界中的挣扎、痛苦以及对美好世界的渴望。

出版时间:2007 年
韩江最有影响力的一本,也是获得布克奖的一本(过去布克奖主要是肯定作家的终身成就,而《素食者》是布克奖首次颁奖给单本书)。韩国在 2007 年出版,国内由四川文艺出版社在 2021 年 9 月引进出版。


这部作品在国际上获得广泛认可,被翻译成多种语言,并卖出了 40 多个国家和地区的版权。

出版时间:2011 年
按原版直译是“希腊时间”、“希腊语课”,2011 年它在韩国出版,国内由九州出版社在 2023 年 10 月引进出版。


出版时间:2013 年
这是韩江的诗集——虽然韩江其实是以写诗“出道”的,但《把晚餐放进抽屉》是她至今唯一的一本诗集,当中收录了她在 20 年间创作的 60 首诗。在韩国它在 2013 年出版,国内是九州出版社在今年 1 月出版。


出版时间:2016 年
2016 年出版,2022 年 9 月由四川文艺出版社引进国内。这本书的缘起是波兰在二战中的历史创伤,而由韩江通过 63 个与“白”相关的事物和意象来探讨了生命、死亡、记忆等话题。


出版时间:2021 年

在国内,《不做告别》由九州出版社在 2023 年 7 月引进出版。


On the evening of October 10th at 7 p.m. Beijing time, the Swedish Academy announced that the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature would be awarded to the South Korean writer Han Kang. She was honored for her intense poetic prose that confronts historical traumas and exposes the fragility of human life.


After former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2000, Han Kang became the second Korean to receive a Nobel Prize. She is also the first Asian female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, creating a historic moment.

Although there were still rumors about Haruki Murakami winning the Nobel Prize this year, Chinese writer Can Xue continued to rank first in the odds list, along with other "hot picks." Han Kang's award was unexpected by many, but her victory was on the horizon since she beat Orhan Pamuk and Kenzaburo Oe to win the Booker Prize with The Vegetarian in 2016. Han Kang had already become an influential name in the literary circle, and winning the Nobel Prize was just a step away.

Further Reading:

The Booker Prize was first awarded in 2005 and is considered one of the most important literary awards in the English-speaking world (other global literary awards include France's Goncourt Prize and the Czech Kafka Prize). Han Kang's Booker Prize win was the first in Korean history, and no Chinese writer has won the Booker Prize.

Han Kang was born on November 27, 1970, in Gwangju, South Korea. Both her father Han Seungwon and her brother Han Donglim and Han Jiangren are novelists. Influenced by her family, Han Kang started writing poetry and fiction after graduating from Yonsei University with a degree in Korean literature in 1993. In 2005, Han Kang won the Yi Sang Literary Award with The Mongolian Spot (later renamed The Vegetarian), when she was only 35 years old.

Further Reading:

The Yi Sang Literary Award is named after the writer Yi Sang and was established in 1977. It is one of the most important literary awards in Korea.

Interestingly, Han Seungwon also received this award in 1988. When interviewed, he mentioned that he had never taught his daughter how to write novels. Han Kang indeed shaped her style in her unique way, surpassing her father's influence.

Reflection on history and expression of human suffering, especially through the female perspective, has always been an important theme in Korean literature. Han Kang has taken this to the extreme by infusing her works with strong emotions, solid writing skills, and profound knowledge. Her dreamlike and often magical metaphors and poetic descriptions are intertwined - perhaps due to her background as a poet herself.

Her works are also quite "international," making them more reader-friendly for translators and readers outside of Korea. British translator Deborah Smith has noted this - The Vegetarian, which won the Booker Prize, was translated by Deborah Smith (since 2016, the Booker Prize awards both the original author and the English translator, splitting the prize money between them), helping to spread her works to a wider audience.

Though not a widely popular bestseller, Han Kang may be one of the most translated authors among recent Nobel Prize in Literature laureates in China. After the announcement of the Nobel Prize, many e-commerce platforms have started promoting her as a "Nobel laureate." For new readers, it's not too late or difficult to get acquainted with Han Kang's works since the Nobel Prize win.

Here is a list of several books by Han Kang that are available for purchase in China (arranged by their publication date in Korea), so you can start reading them:

The Deer Minister (1998)

Published by Jilin Publishing Group in July 2013 as part of the "New Classic Book Series."


The Vegetarian (2007)

This book, which was her most influential work and won the Booker Prize, was initially released in Korea in 2007 and introduced by Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House in September 2021.


Human Acts (2016)

Published in 2019 in Korea, it was received positively but sparked controversy due to its historical and political themes.

The White Book (2016)

A bittersweet exploration of loss, memory, and the color white, inspired by the author's stay in Warsaw.


These are just a few of Han Kang’s published works that have captured the attention of readers worldwide. Celebrated for her intricate storytelling and captivating prose, Han Kang continues to leave a lasting impact on contemporary literature.


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