擒数网 (随信APP) | 今日消费资讯:Louis Vuitton 选择全智贤作为品牌代言人,新电影《好东西》将于11月22日上映。 | 理想生活实验室

擒数网 (随信APP) | 今日消费资讯:Louis Vuitton 选择全智贤作为品牌代言人,新电影《好东西》将于11月22日上映。 | 理想生活实验室

《好东西》定档 11 月 22 日

10 月 11 日,电影《好东西》宣布定档 11 月 22 日上映,定档海报一并发布。


全智贤出任 Louis Vuitton 品牌代言人

10 月 11 日,Louis Vuitton 路易威登宣布全智贤出任品牌代言人。


10 月 8 日,卡地亚介绍了即将在上海博物馆东馆举行的“满庭芳菲:卡地亚的艺术魔力”展。这是卡地亚和上海博物馆继 2004 年“卡地亚艺术珍宝”展后的再次合作,也是“法中文化旅游年”暨“中法文化之春──中法建交 60 周年特别呈现”的项目之一。

这次展览将展出来自卡地亚典藏的近 300 件藏品,包括珠宝、钟表和档案等,同场还会展出 30 多件中国文物,呈现双方之间跨越时空的对话。整个展览会设 6 大板块,分别以“荣耀图腾”、“万物有灵”、“创意无垠”、“世间惊鸿”、“永恒法度”和“繁华一瓢”为主题。

这次展览的另一个亮点是和蔡国强的合作,展览场景与视觉总监是蔡国强和团队开发的 AI 模型——cAI,这次展览也将是上海博物馆首个由艺术家和 AI 共同参与展陈设计的展览。

展览将在 11 月 6 日开幕,会持续到 2025 年 2 月 17 日。

Jimmy Choo 美少女战士联名系列上市

10 月 9 日,Jimmy Choo 和《美少女战士》的第 2 个联名系列正式上市。新系列以漫画中的人气角色为灵感,有多款鞋履、包袋和配饰产品,它们的设计或是呼应了各个角色的经典造型,或是运用了《美少女战士》作者武内直子(Naoko Takeuchi)的原创漫画元素。

这次的广告大片也非常独特,它结合了产品和 10 位水手战士的形象和所属星球符号。

Ravi Ahuja 将从 2025 年 1 月 2 日起出任索尼影视娱乐公司总裁兼 CEO

10 月 10 日消息,日前索尼集团公司和索尼影视娱乐公司宣布,现任索尼影视娱乐公司董事长兼 CEO Tony Vinciquerra 将辞去 CEO 职务,索尼影视娱乐公司现任全球电视工作室董事长、总裁兼首席运营官 Ravi Ahuja 将从 2025 年 1 月 2 日起接任索尼影视娱乐公司的总裁兼 CEO。

届时 Ravi Ahuja 将向索尼集团公司董事长兼 CEO 吉田宪一郎和索尼集团公司总裁、首席运营官兼首席财务官十时裕树汇报,而 Tony Vinciquerra 将继续以顾问角色作为索尼影视娱乐公司非执行董事长到 2025 年 12 月底。


"Good Things" Set to Release on November 22

On October 11, the movie "Good Things" announced its release date on November 22 along with the release of the official poster.

This is the "parallel story" of the movie "Love Myth". Directed and written by Shao Yihui, it stars Song Jia, Zhong Chuxi, Zhang Yu, William Chan, Zhou Yemang, Zhang Chi, and others.

Jun Ji-hyun Named Brand Ambassador for Louis Vuitton

On October 11, Louis Vuitton announced Jun Ji-hyun as the brand ambassador.

"Abundant Fragrance: The Artistic Magic of Cartier" Exhibition to be Held at the East Building of Shanghai Museum

On October 8, Cartier introduced the upcoming exhibition "Abundant Fragrance: The Artistic Magic of Cartier" to be held at the East Building of the Shanghai Museum. This collaboration follows their 2004 "Cartier Art Treasure" exhibition and is part of the "France-China Cultural Tourism Year" and the "60th Anniversary of Sino-French Diplomatic Relations".

The exhibition will showcase nearly 300 items from Cartier's collection, including jewelry, watches, archives, and more. Over 30 Chinese cultural relics will also be displayed, creating a dialogue across time and space. The exhibition will be divided into 6 sections with themes like "Glorious Totems", "Living Creatures", "Infinite Creativity", "Wonderful World", "Eternal Laws", and "Flourishing Prosperity".

Another highlight of this exhibition is the collaboration with Cai Guoqiang. The exhibition scene and visual director were developed by Cai Guoqiang and his team's AI model - cAI. This exhibition will be the first at the Shanghai Museum designed jointly by the artist and AI.

The exhibition will open on November 6 and run until February 17, 2025.

Jimmy Choo Sailor Moon Collaboration Collection Released

On October 9, Jimmy Choo and the 2nd collaboration collection with "Sailor Moon" officially launched. The new series takes inspiration from popular characters in the manga, featuring a variety of shoes, bags, and accessories. The designs either echo the classic looks of the characters or incorporate elements from Naoko Takeuchi's original manga.

The advertising campaign for this collaboration is unique, combining products with images of the 10 Sailor Soldiers and their respective planetary symbols.

Ravi Ahuja to Assume Role of President and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment from January 2, 2025

On October 10, Sony Corporation and Sony Pictures Entertainment announced that the current Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, Tony Vinciquerra, will step down as CEO. Ravi Ahuja, the current Chairman, President, and COO of the Global Television Studios at Sony Pictures Entertainment, will take over as President and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment starting January 2, 2025.

At that time, Ravi Ahuja will report to Sony Corporation Chairman and CEO Kenichiro Yoshida and Sony Corporation President, COO, and CFO Hiroki Totoki, while Tony Vinciquerra will continue as the non-executive Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment until the end of December 2025.

今日消费资讯:《好东西》定档 11 月 22 日、全智贤出任 Louis Vuitton 品牌代言人 | 理想生活实验室
#今日消费资讯好东西定档 #月 #日全智贤出任 #Louis #Vuitton #品牌代言人 #理想生活实验室

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